We Buy Luxury Items!

At AV Luxury, we love and support the preloved marketplace for buyers and sellers. We have two options available for anyone interested in selling their luxury handbags and accessories.

Our #1 priority is the authenticity of our products for both the buyer and the seller. Therefore, all purchases must undergo Entrupy verification to make their way to our showroom. Once your luxury item is verified authentic and determined to be consistent with the original photos, descriptions, and odor-free, we will honor the quote provided during the initial review. If, for any reason, your bag comes back as counterfeit, we will charge you $150 + shipping and handling for the return.

It is the seller's responsibility to deliver the item to AV Luxury, LLC for authentication, review, and possible sale. Shipping is the responsibility of the seller. Insurance, and required signature, of your shipment, is HIGHLY recommended but ultimately the seller’s decision.
Buy-Out Offers

The seller must ship items to AV Luxury LLC. We will notify you once received and provide proof of receipt (such as pictures and videos, if requested). Please allow a minimum of 1 week for Authentication and payment. All payouts will be completed no later than 14 days after receipt.

Payout Options:

  • Cash Payment - Payments are made via Paypal, Check, Venmo, or Bank Wire (depending on your preference) and will be sent within 10 days of authentication, not to exceed 14 days from the date of receipt.
  • AV Store Credit - Earn 10% more by using your payout within our store to buy another love. We source luxury items upon request, so if you want to trade out the old love for a new love, we can help you do so, and you save even MORE money!

Items must be shipped by the seller and will be with AV Luxury LLC for a 60-day minimum after delivery. If the item has not sold after the initial 60 days, the consignor can extend the contract with AV as-is, offer a discount, or request item(s) to be returned. Return shipping will be at the cost of the consignor.

Our Consignment structure is based on the final sell price of the individual item.

  • Up to $1,249 = 65% Consignor / 35% AV
  • $1,250-$2,999 = 70% Consignor/ 30% AV
  • $3,000-$4,999 = 75% Consignor/ 25% AV
  • $5,000+ = 80% Consignor/ 20% AV

Payout Options:

  • Cash Payment- Commission payments are made on the 15th of each month following the sell. Payments are made via Paypal, Check, Venmo, or Bank Transfer (depending on your preference).
  • AV Store Credit- Earn 10% more by using your payout within our store to buy another love. We source luxury items upon request, so if you want to trade out the old love into a new love, we can help you do so, and you save even MORE money!

 We accept the following smoke and odor free items:

  • Handbags
  • Luggage
  • Small Leather Goods
  • Wallets/ Card Holders/ Key Holders
  • Belts
  • Other Accessories

Brands We Love:

  • Chanel
  • Louis Vuitton
  • Hermès
  • Saint Laurent (YSL)
  • Gucci
  • Prada
  • Dior
  • Goyard
  • Bottega Veneta
  • Burberry
  • Celine
  • Chloe
  • Fendi
  • Givenchy
  • Prada
  • Valentino

AV Luxury, LLC  is not associated or affiliated or with the brands on this page.